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Nuclear Waste Program

Hanford Air Operating Permit 00-05-006 Renewal 3

Enforceable Permit:

Per Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-401-810, the Department of Ecology (Ecology), as the permitting authority, formally transmits the Hanford Site Air Operating Permit (AOP), Renewal 3, permit to the U.S. EPA and the permittee U.S. DOE.

Permit Number: 00-05-006 Renewal 3
Issue Date: July 15, 2019
Effective Date: August 1, 2019
Expiration Date: August 1, 2024

The Hanford AOP protects the public and air resources of Washington through coordination of permitting and regulatory issues associated with the Federal Clean Air Act (FCAA) and the Washington Clean Air Act (WCAA) [RCW 70.94.161 and Appendix A to Part 70 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 70)]. Ecology is the permitting authority for the Hanford AOP, which incorporates underlying regulations from three agencies. Ecology regulates the Hanford AOP as a whole and non-radioactive toxic and criteria air emissions, Washington State Department of Health (Health) regulates radioactive air emissions, and Benton Clean Air Agency (BCAA) regulates outdoor burning.    

The Hanford AOP reduces violations of air pollution laws and improves enforcement by:

• Recording in one document all of the air pollution control requirements that apply to the source (e.g. Hanford)

• Making the terms of the permit federally enforceable

• Requiring Hanford to make regular reports on how it is tracking its emissions and controls being used to limit emissions

• Requiring Hanford to certify whether or not it has met the air requirements in the Hanford AOP


Table of Contents
Transmittal Letter Response to Comments
Standard Terms and General Conditions Statement of Basis for Standard Terms and General Conditions
Attachment 1: Ecology permitting conditions Statement of Basis for Ecology permitting conditions
Attachment 2: Health permitting conditions Statement of Basis for Health permitting conditions
Attachment 2: Addendum A
Attachment 3: BCAA permitting conditions Statement of Basis for BCAA permitting conditions

For more information about the Hanford Site Air Operating (AOP) permits please contact Lilyann Murphy , (509) 372-7950

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