Selection Criteria


Measure 1


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Measure 1

        Getting Started

  • You can search for data using the "keyword search" box on the left. This search only shows data that can be found on the data portal. Additional WTN data can be found from our WTN topic list page.
  • Narrow your search using the drop-down selections.
  • Or, select from the topics below and then hit the submit button.

        Data Available on WTN 

  • Climate and Health
    • Environment (air stagnation, drought, flood risk, natural hazards, snowpack, urban heat, weather extremes, wildfires)
    • Carbon Sources (commute to work, electricity use)


  • Community
    • Community Characteristics
      • Economic (children living in poverty, HUD unaffordable housing and transportation, income spent on housing, income spent on transportation, populations living in poverty, poverty, unaffordable housing, unaffordable transportation, and unemployed)
      • Education (college, no high school diploma, some college)
      • Emergency preparedness and response
      • Housing (housing with 10+units, mobile homes, overcrowded housing)
      • Languages (limited English, limited English proficiency (LEP) - counts and percentages, student data for LEP)
      • Neighborhood Characteristics (alcohol outlet density, health professional shortage areas, limited access to healthy food, low voting rates, park access, poor land use mix, unoccupied housing)
    • Population (median household income, migrant farm labor, population, no access to a private vehicle,  people of color, population 18 to 65 with no health insurance, population 65+ living alone, population under 5 years old, population with a disability, race, single-parent household)
    • Transportation (transportation safety, transportation to work)


  • Environment
    • Air quality (air quality feature map layers, ground-level ozone, PM2.5, wildfire occurrences, diesel emissions)
    • Drinking water (atrazine - herbicide, drinking water systems, nitrates, PCE, radium, arsenic, DEHP, HAA5, TCE, TTHM, Uranium)
    • Environmental Justice (Environmental Effects=proximity to Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs), Proximity to National Priorities List Facilities (Superfund Sites), Proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) Facilities, Wastewater Discharge; Environmental Exposures=ozone concentration, PM2.5 Concentration, Toxic Releases from Facilities (RSEI Model))
    • Radon (test results, smoking/lung cancer)
    • Traffic Air Pollution (populations near heavy traffic roadways, road traffic air pollution)
    • Zoonotic Diseases (West Nile Virus for birds, mammals and mosquitos)


  • Exposure
    • Biomonitoring(arsenic, lead, uranium, antimony, cadmium, cesium, TCPy, cobalt, molybdenum, platinum, 2-BPA, thallium, tungsten). These can now be found in the Biomonitoring Dashboards.
    • Lead (childhood lead exposure - screening rates  and test results for children <72 months, Childhood Lead Risk Map)


  • Health
    • Body Mass Index (BMI)
    • Cancer Incidence (brain/nervous system, breast, child cancer, digestive system, leukemia & lymphoma, melanoma, respiratory system, thyroid, urinary system
    • Hospitalizations (asthma, CO, COPD, diabetes, heart attack, heat stress, non-fatal injuries, Parkinson's)
    • Infectious Conditions (Sexually Transmitted infections, Tuberculosis, HIV)
    • Local Public Health Indicators (LPHIs)
      • Access to Care (mammography, screening for colorectal cancer, personal health care provider, unmet medical needs)
      • Communicable Diseases (chlamydia infections, flu shots)
      • Maternal and Child Health (Childhood Injuries, First-trimester prenatal care, low birth weight, maternal smoking, teen alcohol use, teen cigarette smoking, teen overweight, teen physical activity, teen pregnancy, teen sad or hopeless)
      • Prevention and Health Promotion (binge drinking, diabetes, falls, mental health, obesity, smoking, years of healthy life expectancy at age 20)
    • Mortality (cardiovascular disease mortality, diabetes-related, all-cause mortality, cancer deaths, CO deaths, fatal injury, heat stress mortality, leading causes of death, life expectancy, Parkinson's disease, premature mortality, suicide)
    • Pesticides (illness and event summaries)
    • Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes (infant mortality, low birth weight, maternal smoking, pregnancy outcomes, prematurity, prenatal care, sex ratio)
    • Prescription and Drug Overdoses (fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, heroin, overdoses, opioid fatal overdoses, prescription opioid fatal, opioid prescriptions)

Full List of Measures

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Measure 2
Measure 1

Measure 2

Measure 1

Measure 2

Measure 1

Adjust Transparency

Measure 2

Adjust Transparency
