Welcome to WSCR Data Online (WSCR-DO).
The "Cancer Site" box lets you select specific cancer sites. When you select a cancer
site, the query options will update. Query options differ among sites based on the
numbers of observations. When numbers are small, parameter values may be aggregated
or the number of query options reduced. (See
WSCR-DO Technical Notes
for additional detail).
The "Stage At Diagnosis" options are available for only a subset of cancer sites:
Breast (Female), Melanoma of the Skin, and All Cancers Combined. (See
WSCR-DO Technical Notes
for additional detail).
The "Race" options are available for only a subset of cancer data:
- Rate: Age-adjusted rates, only
- Cancer Sites: Breast (Female), Colorectal, Endometrium, Kidney and Renal Pelvis, Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct, Lung and Bronchus, Melanoma of the Skin, Prostate, Thyroid, and All Cancers Combined
- Geography: Washington State only
- Time Periods: 3-year or 5-year intervals beginning in 2004
The "Multi-County Region" option results in data where counties have been aggregated
into six regions. (See
WSCR-DO Technical Notes
for the list of which counties are in which region.)