| Proprietary Onsite Wastewater Treatment Products | |
| | | | When the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) determines a product meets the registration requirements established in Chapter 246-272A WAC, the product is placed on the “List of Registered On-site Treatment and Distribution Products.” Septic tanks go through a similar process and are placed on the “List of Registered Sewage Tanks.” The products on these lists are the only products allowed for use in onsite wastewater treatment. We want your feedback to ensure products are working as the manufacturer intended and as described in the product application. When issues with a product arise, we want to know about it. We will communicate with manufacturers to remedy problems, and unresolved problems may result in removing the product from the approved product list. If you own, design, install, maintain, pump, or regulate septic systems, we want your feedback! Email us or call 360-236-3330 if you have any questions. | | | Your Information | | | | | | | | | | | | | Proprietary Product | 5. | Type of Product If you have more than one product to provide feedback on, you’ll need to submit an additional feedback form. | | |
| | | | | | 7. | Explain the specific issues or problems you have had with the product. If you’d like to provide us attachments, such as images, email them to wastewatermgmt@doh.wa.gov. | | | | |
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