Hospital Inspection - Customer Satisfaction Survey

Welcome to the Hospital Inspection - Customer Satisfaction Survey

This survey is designed to allow hospitals to anonymously evaluate the inspection or audit process recently conducted at their facility in terms of quality, efficacy and the extent to which it supported improved patient care and compliance with state law.

This evaluation has been created to provide government agencies with anonymous, unfiltered information to help improve hospital regulations. You are not required to enter information that will identify your organization.

Please take a few minutes to complete this evaluation of the recent hospital inspection or audit your hospital participated in. If more than one agency or program participated in the survey or audit, please complete a separate evaluation of each.

Results will be compiled and shared with the agencies, hospitals, and the legislature.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at 360-236-4660.

Information collected via this survey may be subject to release in accordance with RCW 42.56 (Public Records Act).

Thank you for your time.