Health Alert:

Washington shellfish resources are managed by both the DOH (safety & water quality) and WDFW (harvest regulations).

Beach Status

All areas are closed for the recreational (sport) harvest of scallops due to biotoxins.
Public Shellfish Beaches  (click beaches for info.)

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(e.g., Hope, Potlatch)

(e.g., Poulsbo, 10541 Flagler Road,98358)

(e.g., Hood Canal Bridge, Deception)

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Tips for using this map

  • Click on a beach or marine area for more information.
  • Dragging the vertical bar on the right side of the map will temporarily remove health information.
  • Use the mouse wheel or the +/- keys to zoom.
  • Holding down the shift key while dragging a box on the map will also zoom in.
  • Popups are moveable by clicking/holding the title.

Contact us

  • Call the 24-hour Shellfish Safety Hotline, 1-800-562-5632, for recorded information on shellfish biotoxin closures.
  • Call our Office, 360-236-3330, for more information about shellfish safety.
  • Email your questions or comments about this web site to our Web Coordinator.

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