| Please note currently MSC Energy Department is taking new LIHEAP/LIHWAP applications, however we are not taking any shelter assistance applications. We are also scheduling for PSE HELP program for PSE customers only.
Energy Assistance appointments may be made thru the automated phone line OR on the online scheduling web page ONLY (there are NO walk-in appointments.) The automated phone line is available 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week, in English and Spanish. (253) 517-2263. Have a pencil and paper ready to write down appointment date & time & confirmation number. Special instructions on the phone line for homebound people and those who are shut off. The online scheduling web page is found at
Program starts when federal funds are available, usually in November & lasts until funds are expended. Appointments are generally 28 days out & new appointments are available each day. Phone line lists documents required for appointment: social security card or legal document indicating name and social security number or ID for ALL household members, picture ID with birthdate for applicant, verification of total household income for 3 months prior to month of appointment, current month energy bill, disconnect notice (if applicable), rent/income or proof of residence.
MSC also provides other services such as Housing, Employment, Adult Education, Food Bank, Long Term Care Ombudsman. Call the main agency number at 253-838-6810 to access those other services. Energy Assistance appointments may NOT be made through this main agency number.
ALL appointments are in-person appointments.
Based on the capacity of our facility and for the safety of our clients and staff, you will have to come 15 minutes before your appointment time to fill out necessary paperwork (BIF). If you arrive late to your appointment, you will not be seen and you will need to reschedule. We recommend you to cancel your existing appointment and schedule another one if you feel unwell. Due to limited lobby space, we prefer that only one person comes to the appointment. Thank you. |