The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) would like to hear from Washingtonians about the Environmental Justice Assessment under the Healthy Environment for All Act (HEAL Act).
For more information on the HEAL Act, click here. We are interested in learning how we can improve our
Environmental Justice Assessment, and have provided specific questions as well as space for general and/or other feedback. The public comment portal for the Environmental Justice Assessment will be open through Sunday, December 31, 2023. Per the State's Public Records Act,
please be aware that all correspondence submitted to the Attorney General's Office is subject to public disclosure.
In addition to English, the public comment portal for the Environmental Justice Assessment is available in
Ukrainian, and
These languages were identified as the top 5 spoken languages in Washington by the Washington State Department of Health as part of their compliance with Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. The Washington State Department of Health is the lead agency for the HEAL Act.
How to Comment
Online: You may fill out the online comment form on this page, or use one of the alternative methods below.
By mail: When sending information, please remember to include a return US Mail address, as well as your email address or phone number.
Washington State Attorney General’s Office
Policy Division
800 5th Ave, Suite 2000
Seattle, WA 98104-3188
By email:
By phone call or voicemail: 206-342-6431
For questions or more information on providing public comment, please contact:
* Required Information
Please tell us about yourself. Most items are optional, but zip/postal code and email address are required.
We are asking for public comment on the Environmental Justice Assessment.
Your comments can include responses to specific questions, general feedback, and/or attaching a document, as you prefer.
Please answer any of the following questions:
Upload Attachments
You may upload 5 files with a total file size limit of 20 megabytes .
By submitting this comment to the Attorney General’s Office, I understand that my comment and any other information I provided will become a public record and that, under state law, public records are subject to public records disclosure requests.